
Cruising is still possible during the social distancing, please accept the new social norms until this crisis is over.

Easter cuttings

What a joy to see the colours returning after a long winter.
Cruising the English countryside on a narrow boat is a total pleasure and enables our bodies to function at a different speed.

Happy Easter


Mid winter cuttings

With the sunny days and evenings drawing out you can feel the spring notes in the air.
Remember to check your flue and baffle plate on your stove to keep it clear and you safe over these cool evenings


Cuttings January

With our heads clear of Christmas our thoughts often wander to holidays.
The shared boating market is fantastic value for money and well worth looking into.
Why not take a look.


December Cuttings

Winter has arrived and with it the ice has appeared.
If you need to move a boat please be aware of the damage you may inflict to other moored boats.

Don't forget to check your flue and baffle plate on your stove are clear!


November cuttings

Sales of shares has been brisk and the selection remains good. With AGM's coming to a close by mid November this signals the start of the winter works season.
For Ownashare Autumn and winter are the busiest time.



Although the temperature at this early part of October is mild it is tempting to light the solid fuel stove.
A seasonal warning to check your flue is clear and your baffle plate has not got a pile of soot on it.
Have a lovely Autumn


September cuttings

Autumn is just around the corner and hopefully some warm days and cooler nights.
It is now we need to check our solid fuel stoves and make sure the baffle plate and flue are clear.
We can look forward to shorter days and cosy evenings.


August cuttings

With the damper but warm conditions many of the wild flowers are looking wonderful.
Although this has been a cooler and wetter July has enabled the canal environment has remained green and lush.
When cruising or walking it is so soothing to our mental health to observe small changes in the natural world.
Have a relaxing time on or near the canals.


July cuttings

The June has been the hottest on record and sadly the fish are struggling with lack of oxygen to the water.
Owners and their pets have also been seeking shade out of the intense heat.
So often in June it is rainfall I am commenting on!
The shares are selling well and there there are plenty of viewings and enquiries.
I hope you are able to enjoy a summer cruise and I hope to meet many of you during my holidays.


June Cuttings

Early summer is one of those special wildlife times of year with new life springing everywhere you look.
Canal boating is a special way of enjoying the pleasures of the changing of the seasons.
With new shares becoming available throughout the year, why not take a look and see if your special boat is for sale.

