July News

As I write this at the end on June Ownashare syndicates have just attended our annual representatives meeting. This meeting enables all of our syndicate to meet and exchange ideas and discuss topics raised by themselves and allows Ownashare to discuss with everyone about proposed improvements in services.
This year the meeting was very informative with some very interesting topics being discussed. As with all boating events toilets discussions stood out as being the most talked about with the use of probiotic toilet tank chemicals featuring as a possible way forward, other topics were user manuals, alternators, power usage, heating systems, boat internal upgrades.
One boat has volunteered to test the probiotic treatments and report back to the syndicates. This years event was particularly heartening with all of the participants offering assistance to one another, there are not many problems that occur, that someone has not already experienced over the years and has a solution and they are very happy to offer their experiences.
This event marks the mid way point of the year and following on from this event is the start of the boats booking chart rotation, if you are reading this and considering a boat share now is the last month that you can be sure of choosing your own holiday weeks for 2017.